Medical Officer, Ltd.
Offshore Emergency Medicine®
Jeffrey Isaac, PA-C is the President of Medical Officer, Ltd. and served as Curriculum Director for Wilderness Medical Associates International for more than 25 years. He is co-author of Wilderness and Rescue Medicine, Wilderness and Rescue First Aid, and The Outward Bound Wilderness First Aid Handbook used as textbooks in WMA courses worldwide. His teaching reflects the experience of more than 40 years in emergency medicine, outdoor education, and wilderness rescue.
Offshore Emergency Medicine
Annapolis, MD USA
24-26 April, 2025 (full - waiting list)
Offshore Emergency Medicine
Annapolis, MD USA
7 - 9 October 2025 (registration opens in April)
To Those In the Field:
“Our core curriculum is designed to provide the skills and insight needed to improvise, adapt, and exercise reasonable judgment at any level of medical training. Our opinions and positions are based on careful analysis of the available science and considerable clinical experience, measured against the reality of providing medical care in remote and dangerous places. We are not trying to change mainstream medicine; we are trying to provide guidance to those working well outside of it.”